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Representation by Helen Newton

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in Ellington Rd in Ramsgate and am absolutely horrified at the thought of Manston Airport being used as a freight hub. My particular concerns are :-

  1. Impact of noise levels on my health and my families health particularly with reference to night flights. Also my concern for the schools (teachers and pupils)who are under the flight path -- Chilton, Christ Church and Clarendon
  2. Air pollution -- children in particular being vulnerable to exposure of NO2 pollution
  3. Congestion of roads -- movement of freight to and from the airport. Also taking BREXIT into consideration the roads around Dover could be severely disrupted.
  4. We desperately need more affordable houses to be built. 5.Safety -- the risk factor of a fatal accidents due to the proximity of Ramsgate to the runway.