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Representation by Ernest Pay (Ernest Pay)

Date submitted
1 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the reopening of Manston airport on the following grounds:

Noise - when the airport was open it had a noticeable impacted on my health. I live immediately under the flight path, the house would shake and conversation had to stop, not just for a brief moment but during the slow build up as the plane approached and then the sound of it landing. Despite limitations imposed on the airport planes often flew at night, being woken in the night, resulted in several hours of lost sleep, not just a few minutes. This left me tired and lethargic throughout the following day. In the final weeks of the airport night flights became frequent and I found it seriously impacted my health and wellbeing, dreading the sound of an approaching plane.

Environment - the level of pollution over such a densely populated area is worrying. Nethercourt is a family area, with schools close by, children will be brought up in a polluted environment. When the airport was open I often noticed a strong smell of fuel in the air long after a plan had landed or taken off. Windowsills had a dirty oil like film that had to be washed off regularly. When the airport closed this all disappeared. NO2 is a carcinogen, flights will increase asthma and lung disease, the airport will impact the health of generations of children raised in the town. I also have concerns about the Pegwell Bay / Sandwich nature reserve and the impact of pollution on it. This needs a full investigation.

Economic benefits – I believe the economic benefits of opening the airport have been grossly over stated. Automation will mean a relatively small number of low paid jobs created for local people in the town. This needs to be balanced against the huge impact the airport will have on the community’s health and environment. I have lived in Ramsgate for many years, the airport has never been successful due to its geographical location. Independent reports in the past have confirmed this view regardless of the type of flights proposed. What the area desperately needs is homes. The current owners propose the creation of homes, sport and social facilities and business outlets at Manston all of which will create jobs and improve the lives of our community. Reopening the airport forces the council to approve the construction of homes on precious green space reducing the quality of life for everyone in the area. I urge you to reject this application.