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Representation by Ken Wraight

Date submitted
2 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Under [Redacted] ie riveroak llc / RSP etc they have failed to convince me and many others that they are a viable set of peoples to try to run an airport. The dco application contradicts what RSP say in public.. Noise monitoring should be setup by environment agency not RSP. Monitors should be put up now. The noisiest aircraft they plan to allow should be charted and do bump and go at manston fully loaded to get a real noise assessment as it has been closed for 4years and many new properties have been built. Night flights RSP say not wanted or needed but will not say anything about charter flights at night also as night flights not wanted why have a quota higher that Heathrow. Historic buildings may become unstable due to the lack of vibration due to no flights . extra work may be needed to correct problems that appear. Dco if successful needs to have a clause that stops houses being built on the site as long as anyone associated with RSP have an interest. As tony freudman already has tried to get houses there already. Unhealthy relationship with both thanets MPs causes me concerns I object to RSP having any involvement with manston now or ever due to their failings over the last 4 evidence of proper feasibility study of business plan over 6 reports say its not viable even the report RSP quote from have stated RSP have misinterpreted its report. Lack of funding from day 1 no proof of anything like 20 million pounds available to pay legal costs etc all will be found if dco granted that is surely wrong . there is no guarantee that money can be raised in the future. No proof of accounts showing costs paid out is 7millipn pounds. Lack of clarity on who is paying bdb etc all seem to be going not through RSP account. Belize money united nations is concerned over source of funds through that country so should you be aware that money needs to be available now at grant of dco to actually do the work required to have a 24/7 cargo hub operational.