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Representation by Barbara Warner

Date submitted
2 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I oppose the granting of A DCO for a 24 hour operation freight hub on the former Manston airport site. RiverOak strategic partners (RSP) have consistently failed to show they have funding in place for such a project and where that funding is coming from. A point raised by Pins in their previous application. There appears to be no long term business plan, just a list of what they 'wish' to do. They have no experience in running a Cargo Hub. There have been no apparent efforts to look at alternative sites available, Mildenhall or Lakenheath for example. Kent County Council, (2015) Avia (2016 and 2017) and the Falcon (2014) reports all conclude that Manston is not viable. In the critique of RSP's consultant Azimuth (sole trader [Redacted]) by No Night Flights,(NNF) (Feb 2018) [Redacted] work was found to be 'fatally flawed' the conclusion reached by both York aviation and Altitude aviation, commissioned by Stonehill Park (2017 /2018) was,[Redacted] work is flawed. The impact of a cargo hub would be catastrophic for Ramsgate on many levels. In RSP's own words in their DCO application, Ramsgate will suffer 'major' 'permanent' and 'adverse' effects, the inhabitants quality of life will be forever blighted. Our Children and ourselves will suffer from the particulate pollution, causing misery to Asthma sufferers and those with COPD particularly, it is also reported to increase the risk of Dementia by 40%. Kent's largest National Nature Reserve - the 'Sandwich and Pegwell Bay NNR' (a sssi) would be severely affected, particularly as a discharge pipe is planned for there. Our Historic buildings would be put under enormous strain with vibration, my own included. The increase in traffic with hundreds? of Fuel tankers servicing the cargo hub, using the roads, especially the A299 would cause congestion and yet more pollution. SEL readings from the noise monitor, 3.5km from the runway consistently recorded levels well in excess of 90dB when Manston was operating previously. Aircraft fly over my house at a height of approx 500/600ft. The noise is deafening and no conversations are able to take place during that time. The effect of that happening in our grandchildren's classrooms every 15 minutes would make teaching impossible. I say every 15 mins, as I am unable to be certain of just how many ATM's there will be, in one part of the application it mentions 10.000 17.000 and another 83.000? Parts of the document appear to be contradictory. Night flights would continually disturb sleep also causing health problems, not a good prospect for our younger generation, or indeed us. I read that [Redacted] for North Thanet and an avid and indeed vociferous supporter of RSP, has written about his concerns for his Grandson's health etc, as he lives under the flight path at Heathrow, however, it appears he is not concerned whatsoever for the health and wellbeing of his constituents or their Grandchildren? [Redacted] consistently states that RSP 'do not want or need scheduled night flights' (but what about Chartered flights?) If this is indeed the case, why have they clearly applied for them? The whole of their business proposal appears to rely on them.