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Representation by Rosalyn Campion

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to strongly oppose the DCO application that RSP have submitted to yourselves, and you have agreed to examine.

My concerns

  1. RSP have still NOT proved any PROOF of funds, or details of interested Investors , despite being asked to show evidence of such, several times.

  2. With RSP applying for a Cargo Hub for at least 17,000 flights per year, and a top capacity of 83,000 per year, this will obviously include Night Flights, which will be detrimental to peoples health, sleep, quality of life etc, which RSP have confirmed & acknowedged themselves.

  3. Sleep disturbance, especially to children, can lead to lower IQ's affecting Education, and especially affecting childrens growth, not to mention the affect this may/will have on their health, and possibly future health

  4. A Cargo Hub with the application for such a possible large scale of flights, will also affect day time education with children, many schools in Thanet & especially Ramsgate, are Listed buildings with single paned glass, noise and distruption during studying in lessons, is totally not acceptable.

  5. Children aside, air pollution along with noise pollution, will have a detrimental affect on everyone, along with businesses, and especially the Tourist Industry. Thanet has been seeing a fantastic turnaround in the last decade or so, and has seen an increased footage of tourists visiting, especially to enjoy the peace of the Coast Line, and to escape Citys. People simply will not enjoy the constant noise of Cargo Flights, and thus will show less visitors, and businesses wil be affected. This will not help Thanet & its recovery

  6. Devaluation of property, and damage to property

  7. I find it very ODD that [Redacted], is behind & supporting this application, when he expressed concerns of [Redacted] health re air quality, who lives below Heathrows flight path... This is worrying hypocrisy, he clearly recognises that air pollution is a concern to young children

  8. i feel that SHP being the British owners of the Manston site, if a CPO was to go through, a Conditional clause should be added, that if the Cargo Hub failed, the land should be sold back to the current Owners, and NOT to developers.