Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Geoffrey Richardson

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

When I decided to retire to Ramsgate after over 30 years working abroad in February 2016 there was no talk about Manston Airport re-opening. The house in which I now live is situated about 1000 metres from the east end of the Manston runway. A 24 hour freight service will totally ruin the prospect of enjoying this property. There will no longer be a chance to enjoy the garen or plant vegetables as I do at the moment. In Summer we will have to sleep with the house windows firmly closed. The combination of noise pollution and air pollution will render my home impossible to live in as I do now. These observations also apply to many of the other residents of the Nethercourt Estate.

Since I moved in here I have spent several thousand pounds plus a good amount of elbow grease to build a comfortable home in which to spend my retirement. At 66 years old this was to have been my final removal; my dream home.

I am not seeking compensation. I simply see no reason why Manston is of strategic national importance. It's isolated geographically and does not have the infrastructure - especially transport - to operate efficiently. Heathrow airport is building a third runway and the roads and parking facilities are already in place with the possibility to extend these. Why bother with re-opening Manston on the Isle of Thanet? Successive projects have failed in the past trying to use this airport and no permanent economic benefit will be brought to Ramsgate: just pollution, blocked roads, and disturbed lives for nearby residents. It will bring no good to anyone.