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Representation by Kenneth Wildon

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sirs You will read elsewhere a number of very valid and well researched objections to RSP's application to open what is in fact a new air freight cargo hub on the site of the old and now defunct Manston airport.

You may also read submissions from those who support such a development.

All I ask, as a concerned neighbour of the development, is that you do not lose sight of the human element in this matter. Those who would 'own' this proposed 24/7 365 days a year cargo aircraft hub and it's proposed HGV transport requirements do not live near here. It is also unknown how many they are or even if they live in the United Kingdom. It would also appear that the business is not registered in the UK and is neither morally or financially liable within the UK (HMRC etc.).

When the business was set up to make this application they had no intention to register their business with the UK authorities but chose instead to trade care of an accountant's address in London while conducting their finances via an untraceable/unverifiable/ unauditable address in Belize. As a consequence of this it will likely be impossible for yourselves or the Secretary of State to verify beyond all reasonable doubt the liquidity of the business or to verify any commitment to paying any taxes to HMRC when they fall due.

Two final points if I may:-

  1. The current UK owner of the site has economically sound, environmentally verifiable, and socially beneficial costed plans for the site which meet all benchmark requirements of HM Government and which recognises and supports the site's historical links. Their proposal is easy to access with the added benefit of improving and enhancing the isle of Thanet environment and its people, bringing living, employment, essential services and leisure benefits while reducing the need for house building on Greenfield open spaces. It would be an interesting development if the land they own were to be taken from them by the Secretary of State and handed over to an offshore unaccountable 'organisation'.

And 2. Surely for a Hub to be effective it is better situated at the centre of its destination market place? Not hanging off the bottom right hand corner of the UK surrounded on three sides by water.