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Representation by Sandra Harris

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am for the cargo hub it will be a good thing and will keep the airfield in use.

I have live in cliffsend for over 40 years and we had lots of plains coming and going over the years, my late husband used to work on air, ferry and Fruictor Airlines both cargo. I had friends who used to go to Jersey and Scotland.

So I do not have a problem with a cargo hub.

the people who moan about it should live near Heathrow then they would have something to moan about as the plains just skin the roofs I know as I had a cousin who lived under the flight path and they just damage the roofs, my son used to live in Vale Rd Ramsgate and the plains to Manston used to come over his house when they were coming into land, but like everything you just get used to it.

So come on lets have the Airport back I am 100% for it. Blood all the moaners who will moan at everything be it Airport and Planes roads or Trains you just can't please every body