Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mr David Mancini

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

A proven fact is that all previous companies have failed in running Manston as a viable airport. The Manston site is well known in the industry as all the major airlines have used Manston in the past only for touchdown and take off training flights. Other airports have used it as an MOD fire training facility when that was available. None of these were interested in buying this site as an airport. KLM used this site briefly and left before the site closed . They stated publicly that whatever happened to the airport whether it stayed open or closed it would never come back to this site. Infratil when using this site stated that touch down and take off training flights or freight was not very profitable, what they needed was passenger flights. But three quarters of the catchment area is in the sea. The number of existing flights to London airports are directly above Manston therefore flights from Manston are unable to reach required height fast and efficiently. Whoever uses Manston as an airport will have to fly freight throughout the night. This will attract airline traffic that is unable to use all existing airports for various restrictive reasons, i.e night flights not allowed. Living in Ramsgate for many years I and my family and friends have experienced the disruptive noise. This noise affects all ages and performance at work or education. This noise cannot be resolved by any insulation or double glazing. One is unable to open windows at night because of the noise - making it impossible to sleep on hot summer nights. This would cause low efficiency at work and education through disrupted sleep/ tiredness. When Manston was operating as an airport there were very few full time jobs, the work was for mainly part time jobs.