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Representation by Mr Phourikwadh Lim

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Registering as an interested Party in respect of the re-opening of Manston Airport DCO:

As a resident who will be directly affected by the potential re-opening of the airport, I am writing to express my strong concerns on the RiverOak's proposal.

  1. Air Pollution: Living under the flight path with my wife and two young daughters [Redacted], a re-opening of the airport will generate an increase of dangerous particulate matter especially PM2.5 which is not measured by our local council (Thanet District Council). These PM will increase, exacerbate respiratory diseases and health problems in children and the elderly in the local area.

The forecasted additional HGV movements will also have a direct negative impact on the local air pollution with a significant increase of NO2 which according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) is a human carcinogen, responsible for lung cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular illness.

  1. Noise: RSP representatives and even local MPs have consistently denied that night flights are part of the proposal for the re-opening of the airport. But it turns out that in the latest RSP's plan night flights are in fact part of the proposal. The WHO recommends that night noise should not be above 40dB. Night noise will increase the risk of strokes, dementia and heart attacks. It is also proven that children who experience lack of sleeps due to night noise will have an attention deficit and reduced concentration during school day. Thanet is already a high unemployment area with schools struggling to help pupils to perform at national standard. Night noise will increase this inequality in education and health which is already present in Thanet, impacting directly the local young population and the elderly.

I therefore strongly oppose to RSP’s proposal on re-opening the airport.

Yours sincerely,

Phourikwadh Lim