Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mark Bandola

Date submitted
3 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a musician living in Ramsgate for 10years and under the flight path merely 2km from the airport - Manston unique in it's proximity to a town and without planning permission. I have experienced the cargo planes, the noise and vibration is horrendous only 150m above the roof. No amount of sound proofing can cut it out and the Ramsgate recording studios and venues I work in are under the flight path too. Jobs would be lost there and to the thriving tourist economy. It has been proven how damaging noise and sleep deprivation are especially to children. Teachers here can testify to this and the proposed amount of flights would destroy lives. The present owners offer housing on a brownfield site, jobs and leisure centre that would provide nothing but good for Thanet. The cargo airport would bring utter devastation with barely a chance of succeeding as it has access only from the west.