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Representation by Trevor martin

Date submitted
4 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My main concern,like many others,is that Thanet as a whole will become a dumping ground for London boroughs to send their unemployed people to an already underfunded area of England,where theres absolutely no form of sustainable employment.Thanet is mainly shops and seasonal workers where almost all housing is out of their reach for purchasing already,building thousands more can only make things worse.Thanet NEEDS Manston airport for the hope of hundreds,if not thousands of jobs it could bring.If run properly,there’s no reason Thanet as a whole can not benefit by having Manston here.I worry that my Granchildren will have to leave their birth place because of the lack of jobs,affordable housing and the degradation of Thanet,that thousands of house,no one can afford thereby making them ghost towns breeding no hopers,and millions spent on benefits.Bring back Manston.Bring back hope.Bring back quality jobs.