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Representation by Supporters of Manston Airport (Supporters of Manston Airport)

Date submitted
4 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Supporters of Manston Airport is a constituted organisation founded to support and pursue the re-establishment of Manston Airport as a viable regional airport. Our aims; to encourage the development of an economically sustainable airport that is environmentally and socially responsible; to promote the advancement of employment, education, training and work experience through aviation industries; to ensure the preservation of a historically important site.

Our principle aim, to support Manston re-opening as a regional airport, was originally shared by other airport support groups and has had overwhelming public support. Whilst fully supporting an aviation solution for Manston we do have some questions about RSP’s project in respect of our stated aims and some of these questions would be asked of any alternative developments on the airport site. The following is based on our submission to RSP’s formal consultation in July 2017.

  1. Scale of the project – the size of this project is far beyond that of the regional airport that we, and originally other campaign groups, have been campaigning for and is beyond anything seen before at the airfield and we wonder why the proposed ATMs at approximately 27000 by Y20 so far exceed the minimum 10000 ATMs required for an NSIP? We would also like clarity on the total number of daily HGV movements envisaged.

  2. Funding and company structure – RSP has only fairly recently been incorporated and has no financial or trading history with 90% of the company being an unknown entity based in Belize and we would like assurances that the company is both robust and will be enduring. We acknowledge that concerns over funding statements submitted have already been picked up by PINs and are confident they will be examined during the process.

  3. Job Number Forecast – there seem to be some inconsistencies between the consultation and submission documents in relation to employment figures and we would like clarity on this.

  4. Night Flights – there appears to be mixed messages regarding night flights, scheduled and chartered, and we would like some clarity on RSP’s position on this.

  5. Museums and Heritage – we would like assurances about the future safeguarding of the Museums, and their surrounding land, and are concerned that the development of the site may lead to the museums inability to hold any large-scale events in the future. We also need assurances that the heritage and historical status of Manston will be honoured and respected and not lost amid the development.

  6. The Aquifer – we have concerns that the Aquifer could be compromised due to the proposed high-density development of the site and wonder how this will be addressed.

  7. Preservation of landscape and protection of flora and fauna - we have concerns that the high density-built environment could be detrimental to the visual aesthetics of the present, and historic, rural landscape and to the associated wildlife and ask how this will be addressed.

  8. Post DCO issues – we would like clarity on what would happen should the DCO be granted but the project subsequently fails. What are the safeguards for the airport? Would the aviation status of the airfield be maintained? Who would then have ownership of the airfield? Could it be subject to a further DCO from either the same, or even a different, set of investors?

The committee members would like to reserve the right to attend hearings.