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Representation by Simon Harris

Date submitted
4 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my strong objection to the application for a cargo hub at the site formerly known as Manston Airport. I am a local resident and the application is for large cargo aircraft to be flown over our homes day and night. The damaging impact of significant aircraft noise is well researched and documented. Noise levels such as those proposed damage health, affect the development and educational attainment of children. Ramsgate is a largely residential town of cultural heritage and the proposals would destroy our quality of life and area.

A significant cargo hub would also be hugely damaging to our environment and pollution levels would rise. Fine particle and carcinogenic pollution from the aircraft and also increased traffic pollution from additional lorries and vehicles on our roads to transport the cargo.

Finally I question the commercial viability of an airport in this site. Previous owners of the site have never made a commercial success of aviation and Thanet councils independent study concluded that a cargo hub is unlikely to be financially viable in the long term.