Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Christabel Bradley

Date submitted
4 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

1 The case for Manston reopening as an NSIP is dangerously flawed. The site on the old Isle of Thanet is flanked on three sides by sea, an hour from the M25 and 60 miles from the Dartford Crossing on dual carriageways, making it geographically unsuitable to be a freight hub. Studies by aviation experts (Falcon Consultancy 2014, Avia Solutions 2017, York and Altitude Aviation 2017/8) concluded that a commercial airport at Manston would not be viable. 2 RSP, led by [Redacted], a [Redacted] (27 counts) with a dismal number of failed aviation projects to his name, have not produced convincing evidence of their business case, nor any reason to allay intense fears over their trustworthiness. Placing faith in RSP puts the future of Thanet in jeopardy and risks national embarrassment, which is why there is considerable disquiet over PINS accepting their application for consideration. 3 RSP have applied for a limitless allowance of night flights. The resulting air and noise pollution would have a 'significant adverse effect' on Ramsgate. If the DCO is granted, there must be a ban on flights that are so noisy and polluting, there are not allowed at Heathrow. Why should the people of Thanet be forced to endure what the people of London rightly refuse to? With planes coming into land throughout the night, our physical and mental health would suffer, along with our sleep, work, children's education, environment and wildlife. Tourism, property and local economy would be decimated. Before the old airport closed in 2014, the noise from aircraft coming in to land was so great, GPs and teachers had to stop talking. Senior educationalist [Redacted] said in September 2018 that it would be 'an outrage' to inflict this on the schoolchildren of Thanet. 4 In the face of such a threat to the way of life in the place where you and your family live, you would reasonably expect the support of your local MPs in fighting it. In the case of Thanet, both [Redacted] (known locally as 'Sir River Oak') and [Redacted] (due to appear in court this October 2018 on [Redacted]) are openly in support of RSP's proposals. When constituents express their deep and genuine fear over the impact of night flights, [Redacted] says he has 'no concerns as there is no plan for it', yet RSP in their DCO application clearly state that they require a night-flight licence. [Redacted] speaks in Parliament and to the media about 'the people of Thanet' wanting an airport at Thanet, but when the 'people of Thanet' write to him in opposition of the plan, he does not respond. [Redacted] has stated there are no plans for 'scheduled night flights', but when pressed on the number of chartered night flights RSP would need to make their business profitable, he will not answer. Given both MPs' allegiance to RSP, despite their track record of unprofitability and fraud, and[Redacted] own business interest (his company Mama Airlines is registered at Companies House), there can be no trust in our local politicians to act in the best interests of their constituents. 5 The above points create a feeling of complete mistrust in RSP and the old site at Manston being financially workable and worthy of NSIP status.