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Representation by Natalie Hancock

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not wish to see the restoration of Manston as an ongoing Airport given its limitations of viable flight paths available for route selection and subsequent operating challenges.

Further, the inarguable detrimental environmental damage with the return of unneccessary noise and exhaust polution, sleep disruption and elevated risk to health as a result of the pollution and disruption. The constant anxiety of plane incidents will be a concern too.

I have lived here all my life (45 years) and, whilst i mourned the loss of the airport originally, the subsequent silence and improvements in air quality and sleep have been positively transformational.

The availability of Manston as land for new housing, job creation and a memorial site to its past have many more benefits, both implicit and explicit, for the future of my beloved isle.