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Representation by Mrs Christine prior

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

These are my personal concerns against Manston being used as a Freight Hub.My 20yr old Grandson recently graduated in the RAF,before that he was a pupil at Chatham House Grammar School in Ramsgate.His 21yr old sister recently graduated from Bath University (maths &physics),she had been a pupil at Clarendon House Grammar School in Ramsgate.THEY never had disturbed sleep caused by noisy cargo planes thundering over their house all night..or disturbed lessons because the teacher couldn t make themselves heard over the noise of planes.BUT here s my worry..I have a [Redacted]Grandson at [Redacted] in Ramsgate.Can I & his parents be assured that He will get the same high grade education my other 2 grandchildren did..bearing in mind RSP s proposal to create a Freight Hub at Manston and all that entails.His school is only 3.5km from the runway &1 of 3 schools directly under the flight path.If this proposal goes ahead he & the other 1370 pupils at his school will have continued sleep deprivation,making concentration at school nigh on impossible,let alone any flights during the school day.My grandson deserves a brilliant education,not a 2nd rate one.Please do the right thing,Stop this ludicrous proposal in its tracks. Thank you Mrs c.prior