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Representation by The Durrant household

Date submitted
5 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have lived at Beltinge since March 2007.

NOISE At that time and for the next few years, we experienced noise nuisance from the occasional flights from Manston that flew directly above our house. I cannot recall the frequency of the flights but think there were two or three over an average 24 hour period and there was the odd night flight too. There were also periods when the same plane would land and take off again within a short period of time and understood from neighbours who had lived here for many years, that these were pilot practice flights.

Whatever type of flight they may have been we were often woken in the early hours of the morning by the roar of very low flying planes. During the daytime this would get us running to our windows to grab a sight. It soon became annoying and stressful when one had to go to work the following morning.

On one occasion I saw large plane being struck by lightning during a storm and wobble worryingly before continuing its approach to Manston. The planes flew directly over this part of Herne Bay which has a population of equivalent size to Ramsgate I believe.

We were relieved when the flights ceased.The prospect of incessant disturbance from a very much greater number of low flying planes and night flights is very worrying. I understand they will be cargo carrying only so will be heavier, louder and dirtier than the ones we have experienced before.

What provision will be made to lessen the harmful impacts to the mental health and general well-being of the local population? Will it be adequate?

ROAD TRAFFIC The existing road infrastructure leading to and from the airport would be wholly inadequate to cope with the massive increase in HGV's transporting the cargo to and from the airport and the Fuel tankers that would be required to keep the planes aloft.

There are already Housing Developments planned in this area, at Hilborough and Herne for example, which will put significant further pressure on the existing roads as it is. I think the additional airport traffic would bring everything to a halt. The roads are already subject to subsidence within a few years of each cycle of repair. Also some of these roadways have been ear-marked for use during Operation Stack when Dover or Ramsgate cannot function normally. The problems there are likely to increase with Brexit.

What does the Highways Authority say to these plans?

POLLUTION AND HEALTH Both the emissions from the planes themselves and the road traffic required to support them will increase the risks from smog and poor air quality. The worsening of the health of children at schools under the flight paths is not acceptable. Evidence shows how detrimental to a child's development this could be. There are also a significant number of older people in the area with long term health problems such as Asthma. Many of whom escaped London for the beneficial sea-air at Herne Bay. There are many Old People's Homes in the area that would be affected.

A huge re-organisation of the NHS provision throughout Kent has recently been approved and I think much of that will need to be reconsidered within a few years of any re-opening and operation of Manston as envisaged in the application.

What do the Health Authorities say to these plans?