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Representation by Mr P.J Lucas

Date submitted
6 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have lived on the Nethercourt estate for 37 years, and our property is directly under the flight path used by aircraft, both taking off and landing, and probably no more than a mile from the start of the runway, so we are well aware of the problems encountered with aircraft movements.

This application fills us with trepidation, and we are categorically against any proposal to re-open Manston airport, particularly as a cargo hub, with large jet aircraft flying over night and day non-stop!

The effect on our health and wellbeing would be catastrophic, to say the least, particularly with night flights with numbers quoted as being “very extensive”, would cause untold misery with disturbed sleep patterns, and the result would certainly be our physical and mental health would suffer, and could deteriorate rapidly. With the anxiety and stressful living patterns, the possibility of heart and lung disease ailments could put pressure on our Health services.

A further area of argument for dismissal of this application is the noise issue. We have got used to the inconvenience of having to shout over the deafening noise of overhead aircraft, in order to have a normal conversation.

The cargo aircraft will, of necessity, be very large in order to carry as much freight as possible, and quite possibly old, and carrying a higher than normal decibel rating, proportionately higher than a normal passenger aircraft, in other words, very noisy. This also means further health issues with physical and mental health, including hearing and concentration.

Having lived a considerable time under the flight path, we are aware of the noise and vibration caused by landing and taking off aircraft, and the air disturbance caused, and this can cause damage to properties as many residents on our estate have witnessed, and safety should be a priority for any application put forward to the Planning Inspectorate. Also, our concern over and the dumping of excess fuel on landing, which causes damage to property and gardens in our area, with associated health and safety issues around ingestion of toxic substances, including nitrous and sulphuric oxides.

Our children will suffer too, in terms of their health and welfare, taking into account that a number of our schools are situated directly under the flight path, and are a source of noise, pollution and disruption to pupils and teachers, with aircraft directly over them, and must therefore, affect their ability to concentrate on their studies.

Finally, our local roadways serving the airport will not cope with the heavy goods vehicles needed to transport the freight to other locations countrywide. They would prove hazardous to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians alike, and with the increased volume of traffic to and from the airport , safety would be an issue, with added problems of emissions of poisonous gases of nitrous and sulphuric oxides causing health issues.