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Representation by Gary Dodson

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident ,who with my partner live directly under the flight path of the proposed planned re-opening of Manston airport . Should the planned proposals go ahead ,our lives and hundreds if not thousands of other residents locally will be totally destroyed by the disruption caused by the unimaginable increase in noise and air pollution . The risk to health of anyone and everyone affected by this DCO whether it be by noise or air pollution could be disastrous . Many of Thanets residents being elderly . As animal and nature lovers ,we are greatly concerned of the effects the increase in pollution levels will have on the environment and local wildlife ,not just by the amount of flights but also by the increase of haulage required to service these flights , which are predominantly cargo . All roads surrounding Manston are A roads and the nearest motorway ,the M2 being approx twenty miles away and consists of only two lanes in either direction until jct 4, some thirty five miles away from Manston . This route which is the main artery to London from Manston is heavily congested during the summer months and around peak times daily , one small incident enough to cause severe delays . Increasing the volume of traffic with even more HGVs would not improve the situation . The price of property within the area would depreciate significantly making it difficult to sell and move ,forcing owners to remain against their wishes .This would do nothing for the areas economy which is beginning to flourish after a long time in the doldrums . Monies that have been invested and any future investments to bolster the area and aid improvements to attract more people would surely be wasted as Tourism which has steadily increased over the last decade would be lost . Istrongly feel the granting the DCO would be wrong for Manston and the death knell for an area that is finally starting to bounce back .