Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Barry Finch

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my concern regarding the proposed cargo hub at Manston. My main concern would be the noise pollution caused by the amount of flights ultimately happening both day and night. Since the airport closed a few years ago Thanet has become a quiet and peaceful place to live for all residents, both young and old. As a person nearing retirement age I am looking forward to the tranquility of this coastal beauty. Another point would be the amount of road haulage needed to transfer the colossal amount of freight being delivered by these aircraft. Road surfaces are already in a poor condition due to the increasing amount of road use. Aire pollution would also be greatly affected. We have to think of the next generation of Thanet residents who will feel the main impact of any wrong decisions made at this time. So my opinion is no to Manston.