Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mrs Annie Cull

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

[Redacted] and I are very much against the proposed airport at Manston, Ramsgate, for the following reasons

We have been residents in beautiful Ramsgate for over 22 years, it is a great seaside town that has been bringing in more tourists each year, no-one wants to spend a weekend by the seaside with airplanes going over head at all times of the day and night which will in turn restrict the much needed revenue for the town

Noise pollution. I have been a TFL teacher and have had many students from all over the world including Italian Military, French and Spanish students, Argentinians and many more nationalities. We always had a lot of conversation during our lessons and it was impossible to continue speaking during the time the lumbering planes flew overhead . This is very detrimental to all the students who come to Ramsgate to learn English and also for their health and the health of every single inhabitant of our very beautiful town.

Environmental pollution - Many people have made the big move to live by the sea and buy dilapidated houses which they have made it beautiful homes thus saving many properties which would have become run down and unfit for habitation. If the cargo hub was to go ahead who would want to come and live here and help make this town the vibrant place it has become. This Summer has been a wonderful few months to spend on our beautiful beaches with children of all ages and adults enjoying the clean fresh air and the peace and tranquility with no polluting old planes lumbering over us. Who would choose to come to the beach when they cant even here themselves speak.

Business: Many people who have moved to Ramsgate work from home and travel to London for one or two days per week thus giving them the best of both worlds - the abilty to spend more quality time with their families and also employing local people who may not otherwise have been able to get work.