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Representation by Malcolm Kirkaldie

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I sat on the MACC [Manston Airport Consultative Committee] and KIACC [Kent International Consultative Committee] for the Manston Airport Group [MAG]. The same issues that plagued the local area at the above committee meetings - have not been adequately addressed in the DCO application presented by RSP to PINS and the general public. It would be well known to the RSP management what issues these were, especially when one of the RSP management team was part of the past management of a previously failed Manston aviation company. Moreover a member of that company [Redacted] tendered their resignation citing “The genuine concerns of the residents of Ramsgate where not being addressed”? Those genuine concerns are even more so when looking at RSP’s current documents especially when one of the DCO document authors was part of the Wiggins/Planestation team.

I wish PINS to investigate the following:-

The DCO application is not commensurate with the site being an NSIP.

The application fails to address noise monitoring.

The applicants have not sought views from the past Airport Consultative Committee members.

The Applicants have not addressed the past issues of Manston which would have been contained in the KIACC/MACC minutes.

The DCO application significantly fails to properly inform anyone of past noise monitoring and failings?

Inconsistencies and failings still exist within the EIA and TDC’s current local plan consultation.

The genuine concerns of the residents of Ramsgate are not being addressed in this application that PINS is clearly supporting at any cost!

The past sec 106 agreement was an absolute failure and has not been adequately discussed in the application.

I am deeply concerned that PINS has significantly failed to deal with this application in the correct manner and is treating the general public as complete and utter fools, especially when it comes to supporting a failed consultation process which was incomplete and did not go into the minutiae of what problems existed in the past and how the application proposes to remediate them?