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Representation by Sandra

Date submitted
7 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wanted to register my objection to the manston airport site being used for the purposes of a cargo night flights or day flights for that matter I have two young children who are at school in directory under the flight path, my daughters school is of historic note and is single glazed and the noise of flights would be grately disruptive to lessons and therefore impact exam results. A representative of headteachers in the area has raised severe concerns on the welling being of all children in the area due to disruption of sleep due to night flights which in turn impacts learning and exam results. I moved to Ramsgate in 2010 to escape the pollution levels in London and to date my childs health has improved. Cargo flights would reverse this wellbeing. I also inspected the application and could not detect the full funding? Surely this shouldn't be entertained without full funding?