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Representation by Clifford Sax

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Ramsgate’s economy is dependent on tourism. A cargo hub with the noise and pollution that accompanies such an enterprise is wholly anathema to a burgeoning tourist industry. There is no clear need for a cargo hub and no infrastructure to support it. A cargo hub would be a blight on Ramsgate residents and quality of life would plummet. The promised jobs will more likely than not, NOT materialise. Noise and particulate pollution will contribute significantly to worsening mental health and cardiovascular disease. The significant number of listed buildings and Ramsgate’s heritage will be impacted negatively by a cargo hub. Property will likely lose 20% of its value. Many businesses (including mine) will not be able to function under a flight path. The learning of students in Ramsgate will be severely compromised. Sleep patterns of residents will be profoundly effected causing ill health. Historically, Manston has not been a viable business. Geographically, it is compromised and other options better serve cargo. In the end, the severely negative impact on the community far outweighs the tenuous gains (such as they are) of a cargo hub. Ramsgate residents deserve FAR better.