Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Mrs Josephine Lalage Mallett

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Residents in Nethercourt Hill since2003, having moved from Londonfor better quality of air. Nethercourt has been identified as most affected by this proposed development due to proximity to the end of the runway. We were seriously affected by cargo planes approach-ing the runway directly over our roof, shedding excess fuel with noise making conversation impossible. We are both elderly and I have [Redacted] and [Redacted] - my husband has sleeping issues which will worsen if this proposal is allowed to go ahead. After 3 years of anxiety over this proposal our lives will be completely disrupted making life unbearable. No countrywide major housing has a runway at 1.3km from houses as Nethercourt does.The safety aspect shave been consistently glossed over by RSP given the increased pollution, particularly 'Particulate Particle' levels of noxious compounds and Nitrogen Dioxide in aviation fuel causing health hazards which the Government says will take up to 10 years to reach acceptable health levels. Noise levels will also be unacceptable. We have real concerns for safety issues regarding increased traffic on already congested B roads near the redundant airport site. Extra serious concern will be deliveries of thousands of gallons of fuel coming into the area daily to fuel planes, also in residential Cliffsend. We do feel our genuine fears are disregarded, overlooked and Nethercourt residents haven't been consulted for their opinions despite promises of letters by RSP. At meetings they and local MPs have repeatedly denied Night Flights, but as is clearly seen, their whole financial proposal revolves around increasing the number of flights to predicted 17,000 cargo flights per annum equating to thousands of Night Flights. Since moving here we have seen the results of the dedicated work of the Regeneration Groups, Ramsgate Society, Counsellors and external/internal investment in Cafe Culture, Art Galleries, listed properties, , Restaurants and expansion of The Royal Harbour. Should the Planning Inspector grant this DCO these would be worthless as tourists and local people would not want 24/7 overhead cargo planes. We personally feel this Cargo Hub should be refused under the following headings:- 1 Already established available cargo capacity at East Midlands and Stanstead airports 2 Safety issues of planes in dangerous proximity to housing 3 Noise levels increasing day and night, detrimental to health and disturbance to sleep 4 Traffic congestion, fuel transportation, danger of fire and explosions 5 Lessening of educational standards through disrupted learning and sleep deprivation 6 Damage to Heritage sites, listed properties and wildlife conservation 7 Detrimental effect on investment and regeneration of Ramsgate and adjacent coastal Towns 8 Devaluation of property

PRS questionable leadership have consistently underestimated adverse outcomes to personal wellbeing, living standards and harm to our environment. We ask the Planning Inspector to appreciate that we feel PRS's plans should not be considered after years of true opposition by those of us who aren't misled by the unrealistic promise of jobs.