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Representation by Philippa Garsed

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir, I have been a resident in Herne Bay for five years but through family connections here I have been familiar with the town and local environment for sixteen years. Herne Bay in the last five years has seen a marked economic revival that has encouraged visitors, business investment and people to move here to enjoy a better quality of life especially for their children. Twenty four hour, low flying aircraft and heavy traffic with all the associated noise and pollution would reverse that positive trend and have a marked effect on heath I would like the Planning Inspector to consider whether the consultation adequately provided information to and consulted the views of the community of Herne Bay. As an example, I had to request from RSP the information postcard that they claimed had been sent or delivered to every householder. My main concerns are that the noise and emissions from the cargo planes plus the need for the supporting heavy goods vehicles will not only ruin the peace of the area but create high levels of pollution that will certainly have a negative effect on human physical and mental health and destroy the habitat of a large local wildlife area. I would like the Planning Inspector to establish the true proposals by RSP about night flights. Night flights are included in the application yet I was informed by an RSP representative that this was "unlikely" and the local MP [Redacted] continues to deny that night flights will take place. I would like the Planning Inspector to assess the accuracy of the impact of noise levels on Herne Bay especially in the light of the RSP to reverse their original proposal of 30% of flights over Herne Bay to now 70%. I would like the Planning Inspector to consider whether the RSP application addresses the real extent of the impact on local road networks since the the main access roads to Herne Bay and Thanet are only two lanes and already busy with HGV traffic. There appears to be spare freight capacity at East Midland and Stanstead airports and therefore no need at all for Manston to re open as a Cargo Hub when the site could be used for much need housing , job creation and sustainable regeneration in Thanet. Yours sincerely, Philippa Garsed.