Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Karen McGowan

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I moved to Ramsgate 3 years ago for the following reasons

I did not want to live in a rural area having moved from London. Ramsgate is the perfect size. I still have anonymity but equally have the bonus of always seeing someone I know.

I feel in love with the Royal Harbour. I looked at all areas and chose Ramsgate ultimately for the Harbour which is beautiful and historically significant.

I visited Ramsgate many times before moving and noticed that the weather here is much better than elsewhere in the country.

It has great access to London. My husband works in London and commutes daily. Ramsgate is busy all year round. I like the fact that it does not turn into a sleepy seaside town in the winter. It is always busy.

It is close to Canterbury. Having moved from London, being close to Canterbury was important.

The beach is beautiful and peaceful. I take my children there on a daily basis for a walk.

A big reason I moved from London was the pollution. If this area becomes more polluted I will not live here. Our health will suffer as a consequence.

London is busy day and night and my sleep was adversely affected by the constant noise. Having moved to Ramsgate I have never slept better. Noisy night flights will have a dramatic detrimental effect on my family’s quality of sleep. We occasionally have aircraft flying past and they are very noticeable as the noise from the engines is amplified by the sea. The cargo planes will be loud and amplified.

My children’s education will suffer as a result of noisy aircraft flying over their schools. This has been shown to be true in other places/countries. I find this very worrying.

I have been in Ramsgate for three years and have noticed a significant increase in tourism and regeneration. When we moved here it was to come to an up and coming area. We accepted that the area was in need of regeneration and felt us moving here was part of that process. We have met many like minded people. We would never have chosen Ramsgate if it had the cargo airport and will leave if it arrives. I believe many others like my family will too.

Ramsgate does not have enough housing. The population is growing, especially as people are now increasingly working from home and can move within a short distance from London for occasional meetings. We need more housing, not a loud noisy airport.

The local wildlife will suffer

I have yet to see anything to suggest that Manston will be financially viable as a cargo airport or that it will bring wealth to this area. The airport has been owned by three separate companies since 1998. Ramsgate deserves the chance to have a bright future. We could be the New Brighton.

The roads are already congested in the area. A cargo airport will have a huge detrimental effect on already congested roads.