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Representation by Sue Skinner

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

RSP has not provided convincing evidence that the nation needs a cargo-hub at Manston. It seems quite likely that RSP is misusing the DCO process to achieve a land-grab. In truth this would be a preferable outcome compared to its stated aviation plans, but I doubt that RSP would offer anything to match the quality of the mixed-use proposals advanced by the legal owners of the site. I am surprised and worried that PINS has even accepted the DCO for consideration. Apparent local support for the plans may be explained by the great discrepancies between RSP’s public statements, information provided at its public consultations and the reality of its intentions; buried deep in its enormous, inaccessible DCO submission. I would like you to be merciless in your investigation of RSP’s justification for NSIP status, its business case, its source of finance, the probity of its senior staff, and most importantly in my opinion, the effect its plans would have on Thanet, the villages and Herne Bay. I moved to Broadstairs over twenty years ago. It didn’t take long to realise that the unpleasant smell I at first took to be a peculiar enthusiasm for lighting BBQs at odd times of the day and night was in fact airborne pollution from planes landing and taking off at Manston – carried by the prevailing SW’ly winds. Fortunately, commercial aviation at Manston consistently failed and so we tolerated the occasional assault on our air quality. However, training flights exposed us to planes circling repeatedly over our property at very low level – incredibly disturbing and potentially dangerous. Since Manston ceased to be an airport the quality of life has greatly improved. We quickly became used to the silence and undisturbed nights, but we should never forget the noise that preceded it. I see far more lichen when I am out walking – a clear indicator of improved air quality. From my experience it is clear that RSP’s proposals will be the death knell for Thanet. Ramsgate will become an appalling place to live and work. Its tourism industry will fail, and the influx of entrepreneurial incomers driving regeneration will cease. Those that can will leave. Likewise Broadstairs, but more as a result of air pollution on a scale far beyond anything previously experienced. While Margate may not be directly affected, the overall impact on Thanet’s economy will drag it down. Thanet council, already cash-strapped, will have even less money at its disposal to meet increasing social care demands resulting from the injurious effects of noise, pollution and unemployment. The DCO appears in searches and is already adversely affecting the local housing market. We will all lose, but sadly, the biggest losers will be those sold on the unrealistic promise of jobs, unable to afford to leave. Assuming you recommend that RSP’s application be rejected, can you do anything to prevent RSP or any other parties from making similar DCO applications? We want to move on from this threat to the unashamedly pleasant lives we have worked to achieve.