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Representation by Matthew Connell

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

To whom it may concern

I feel I need to contact you to express my passion and concern over the future of Manston airport.Manston Airport could be a great asset to Thanet and the rest of the uk providing that the right management are place in the airport to run it and the right investment is invested into the airport,which was sadly Manstons down fall over recent years. Also after we leave the European Union we will have to rely more heavily on bring goods into the country further across the world due the fact that we may not be able to trade so easily with the EU,so we will have to bring goods into the country more by air. Obviously Heathrow is 98% full to capacity and with the third runway to be built years away,Manston is the perfect relief solution to this problem,and Manston has a great road infrastructure with the connection of the Thanet way,M2,and M25. Thanet is a deprived area and is desperate for jobs,and Manston Airport could bring so many such needed jobs to the area. I feel the Thanet District Councils Report on the Adequacy of Consultation is nonsense,because I know for a fact that 80-90% of Thanet residents support the reopening of Manston airport.