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Representation by Marcel Peen

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My name is Marcel Peen and I am writing to register my objection to the Manston airport cargo night flights application. I am a physiotherapist and I work part-time from home and the disruption due to noise would be untenable. I complete all my paperwork at home and noise from heavy cargo aircraft would be a constant interruption. My child has [Redacted] and the noise not only at night disrupting sleep would have a negative knock on effect not to mention the day time noise under the flight path - this would impact on his and all our wellbeing. I also travel to London weekly to my practice in Crouch End and the road network is incapable of handling the excess traffic of freight to and from Manston not to mention the constant stream of tankers delivering fuel and returning empty. I have looked at the application for the airport and could not find the corresponding funding for this project? Where is the funding?