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Representation by Elegantly Papered Limited

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register my opposition to a cargo hub at the old Manston airport on behalf of myself and the company of which I am the CEO of (Elegantly Papered Ltd), and which employs several local people.

I believe the proposal is not being clear as to the extent of night flights. Having lived in London for 20 years I am fully aware of the disruption caused to sleep, bird and wild life, and this was one of the main reasons for deciding to leave the city and set up business in Thanet.

We already have hubs in Gatwick and several other London airports, we do not need to pollute yet another region of the UK.

I support the other proposal for this site at Manston - much needed new housing that central government has imposed on regional councils. I am also aware TDC are well behind on meeting the quota of new housing.

Furthermore there is insufficient infrastructure to support a cargo hub.

If this does go ahead I will be moving my business and family away from Thanet.