Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by B Alexandra von Ronn

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to register my opposition to the plans for a operational cargo airport at Manston as proposed by RiverOak Strategic Partners. I oppose these plans as a resident of Ramsgate, a home-owner under the proposed flight path, an individual that has suffered the effects of sleep deprivation previously, and a mother of three children who sleep on the proposed flight path and attend schools, and are due to attend schools under it as well.

In the main, I oppose them on grounds of noise pollution, public health, and the effect the noise would have on the many children in schools on the proposed flight path.

Having lived here while the airport was previously functional on a significantly smaller scale than the one proposed, I would like to let you know that airplanes fly over my property at an altitude of around 200 meters, and the noise is such that conversations in the garden could not be continued while planes flew over. I did wonder with every noisy cargo plane coming in what the risk was of an accident, and a place crashing into the town. I am most concerned about the number of flights proposed, as in the daytime this translates to a life we would be forced to live indoors, with every door and window closed at all times. I am most concerned about the possibility of night flight and the effect if would have on the emotional, mental and physical health of my family, and the proposed noise quota of 3028QC would indeed allow for extremely frequent night flights. This disruption would continue throughout the day, both at school and at home. The only way to protect my family would be to move away, but all of our finances are tied into a house that I fear would lose value to such a tune that we would be unable to replace our house with a suitable one elsewhere, as Thanet is already one of the cheapest areas of Kent.

I am also most dubious about the assumed number of skilled and well paid jobs gained for the area at the proposed airport. The current owner's plans for housing are quite the opposite and offer many opportunities for skilled work for the local community, given that skills related to construction are, and have been for many years, taught at the local college, as are other skills that come into play in an extended community but, in the majority, not at a cargo airport, such as childcare, health and social care, beauty, business, catering etc.

When we moved here in 2007, the area was much deprived and held more potential than appeal. It has since enjoyed a significant uplift and regeneration thanks to its touristic appeal of great beaches, sea and air quality, regeneration through the Arts/artists moving to Thanet. It is the lifeblood of Thanet and would be destroyed by airports flying over as low as they do, and associated noise and air pollution.

RSP admitted in their application that the lives of the residents of Ramsgate/Thanet would be perceivably disturbed, and life quality altered by a successful airport as they envision it. I am asking you to prevent this from happening. There are around 143000 of us in Thanet, if not all affected by the proposed flight path as much as my family is. Figures published by the Department of Communities and Local Government in 2015 ranked Thanet as the 35th most deprived area of England and Wales, out of of 326.

Please do not allow RSP to not only make it worse but blighten the lives of a fair share of those 143,000; my family and children among them.