Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Gillian Emans

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The opportunity that RSP's plan offers in opening a new, bigger Airport at Manston will be the best opportunity for Thanet ever. This part of East Kent is officially one of the most deprived areas, with lack of proper employment being the biggest cause. There is the largest number of children in poverty and the GPs will confirm that families suffer depression and other illnesses (sometimes leading to suicide) because they see no hope. RSP is working with Colleges and Schools to ensure apprenticeships and employment opportunities in all skills. The people need these raised aspirations. RSP can transform the social as well as economic outlook for Thanet and neighbouring areas. This won't just be a local benefit though; with the onset of Brexit we need to be able to keep our own cargo airports in the UK and not lose them to those just on the other side of the Channel. From the canvassing done locally there has been a support of 80-90% in favour of reopening Manston Airport so that figure surely cannot be dismissed. There has been a last minute "surge" to the antis caused by false stories of constant night flights and threats to children's breathing, but the majority of people still want the decent jobs and local public services that airports always create through their operation. I know several people who already have their CVs ready!

I cannot understand the obduracy of Thanet District Council or their Senior Management Team and TDC's report on the Adequacy of Consultation makes no sense.

Thanet has long been an area of poverty and unemployment. There has never been an opportunity to have the money Riveroak Strategic Partnership is prepared to invest in reopening Manston Airport as a cargo hub/passenger terminal which will give such employment opportunities to local people. Apprenticeships arranged with local Colleges and work for all level of skills, in addition to Britain’s benefit and prosperity when we leave the European Union and need this cargo facility.