Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Karen Scott

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses


I object to the re-opening of Manston Airport.

Air Pollution will increase tenfold with Aviation fuel especially as the airport is in such close proximity of housing for many residents. The Ramsgate harbour is less than 4 miles from the landing approach. Type of aircraft being proposed have high emissions. It is well documented that exposure to aviation fuel at high levels is not good for the health or residents. Young and old.

Increased Traffic on the roads, will put this part of the south-east under increased pressure on the roads, as there is only one road to the M25 which then would give access for the freight cargo to be distributed across the UK. This road network is already stretched to high levels of traffic and congestion. The access for the cargo to be distributed from this corner couldn't be more inconvenient - you should consider much more central location for an airport.

Anti-Social noise - with the proposed 24/7 and night flights the disturbed sleep is well documents as being bad for your health on many levels . This is 2018 many people work from home and don't have 9 -5 jobs anymore, and the constant noise of aircraft would drive small business and skilled people out of the area. This will mean those recently moved down from London or those that also commute to london will less likely chose Thanet as a place to live, the quality of life here will be compromised greatly and the knock on affect to local businesses will be catastrophic. So as some might gain, the balance of those that will loose is not equitable and makes no sense whatsoever.

Thanet has a lot to offer to people visiting and tourism with many lovely beaches, who would chose to come here for a peaceful holiday break with the constant noise of heavy cargo plane flying over your head. This once again will be terrible for the surrounding areas.

The notion that many jobs will be created is not fully supported with evidence that local people will be able to provide the skills required for this type of business, thus outside companies will probably project manage the airport, which is the past has not been a viable business ever. The loss of jobs and people moving out the area that supports a cross spectrum of business will be higher that jobs gained.

this project will just benefit few and take considerably from all areas of residents lives that have already created a thriving community in Thanet. Families will not move here there is lots of evidence to support that noise and sleep disturbances for school children is very bad for education and exam results too.

This project is a terrible idea from start to finish.