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Representation by Donald Ross Campbell

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my opposition to the Manston DCO.

I have lived in Ramsgate for 17 years, initially with my wife in Vale Square, and then with my nephew in Ellington Road, Ramsgate.

I am passionate about Ramsgate, and indeed Thanet, and strongly believe that a cargo hub would have a severely adverse impact on the health of residents and the town's economic prospects. Ramsgate has weathered many storms, and is fortunate enough now to have a nascent creative economy and café culture which is attracting more people and businesses to the area. The blight of a cargo hub would signal the end of Ramsgate's renaissance for very little recompense. The applicant's employment projections are clearly not realistic, as I'm sure many others will demonstrate, and in reality the cargo hub will be lucky to provide a handful of jobs with no guarantee that local people will benefit from these positions. Additionally, the underdeveloped local infrastructure (access roads etc) and position of the proposed hub on the outskirts of East Kent make it highly uncompetitive in a market dominated by far larger airports with better infrastructure and locations. I therefore must ask why is this project being considered given its benefits are so meagre, yet the costs to Ramsgate and its residents are so high?

As a resident of Ramsgate in my 70s with health problems, I am deeply concerned that the increase in noise and air pollution brought about by this proposal will have a negative impact on my health and others like me. The proposal argues for allowing some of the noisiest planes to land at Manston, planes which are not allowed to land at Heathrow. Many studies have shown that an increase in noise levels above 60dB can significantly raise the chances of stroke/cardiovascular problems. Similarly, an increase in particulate pollution, particularly Nitrogen Oxide which is found in abundance in aviation exhaust fumes, has been shown to be a contributing factor in the development of lung cancer. With 2 ATMs per hour, rising to 9/10 ATMs per hour at capacity, volumes of particulates around Manston will increase and so will residents' risk of developing cancer, COPD, cardiovascular disease and many other unpleasant and painful chronic illnesses. This is an unacceptable risk to take, and preference should be given to Stone Hill Park whose plans are clearly far more beneficial to the local area and our communities.

Thank you for considering my initial representation.