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Representation by Graham Martin Cosby

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs, My representation is a personal one, which is largely based on prior experience. I previously lived in Langley, Berkshire, where my house was very close to the Heathrow flight path. I was employed as a Deputy Head in a Secondary school (also very close to the flight path), where my roles included Community Liaison, Work Related learning and responsibility for special projects. I wish to present my representation in bullet point form.

  1. It is in the interest of the nation to retain/maintain the airport capacity provided by/at Manston.
  2. It provides a suitable emergency runway facility, which is not surrounded by large built up areas.
  3. Manston could be used to provide landing slots (with ample associated warehousing) for cargo aircraft, which if used would provide, at least in the short term, 'spare slots' at other airports, thereby easing the situation there.
  4. Manston already has a specialised area for the handling of livestock, such as horses, that was built/used for the 2012 Olympics.
  5. If Manston were to become an airport again, there would be a badly needed increase in employment opportunities, within an area of deprivation.
  6. Personal experience proves that an airport will undoubtedly bring investment to Thanet.
  7. Personal experience again proves that a number of companies and trades associated with the aviation industry will set up locally.
  8. I have Personal experience of the positive affect on pupils/students of employment and training opportunities being available in their locality.
  9. In one of my roles I worked closely with BAA, Airline Operators, Colleges, Companies to co-ordinate training opportunities, funding and apprenticeships. This had a huge impact and was so successful, as pupils/students could be so focussed.
  10. I have seen the plan presented by Riveroak and discussions with them regarding their proposals, their funding and what they could/WOULD offer and the prime opportunities available to the residents of Thanet, surrounding areas of Kent. It should be noted that a successful Manston could also be of benefit to the whole of Britain

I worked and lived near Heathrow but experienced NO negatives and in my personal and professional opinion the 'positives' far outweigh any negatives that anyone can put forward.

Graham Cosby