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Representation by Geoff London

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in the Thanet area for 15 years and remember the airport as it was then. There were minimal flights compared to the proposals we have in front of us now, but I clearly remember the disruption to my then young children's' sleep and to myself and my wife. Part of my work is at Pegwell bay in an environmental capacity and I also remember the chaos caused to nesting and migrating wildlife in the pegwell and sandwich bay area. As far as can be seen no thought or consideration has been given to any of this thus far. I remember weekends destroyed by day flights and the effect which that had on tourism in Ramsgate, Broadstairs and Margate. I have given much work to this beautiful area of the Kentsh coastline but know that the proposals as they stand now would surely mean many people leaving the area (including, with much sadness, myself), to get away from the obvious drop in health, environment and living standards which would affect the whole of the Isle of Thanet