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Representation by Christopher Tipping

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Ramsgate with my family for 14 years, directly under the flight path. We experienced at first-hand the impact and noise of cargo planes arriving, during daytime and nighttime hours. Serious issues are raised surrounding the proposed flight paths and numbers of flights, which will impact on my family’s lives and the lives, livelihoods and health of thousands of people living and working here.

The Business Case by RSP is hugely ambitious and over-scaled. Ramsgate and Herne Bay will be badly impacted. Manston has never been as heavily activated and over-developed as this plan proposes. Manston has demonstrably never been commercially viable. There is insufficient highways infrastructure to sustain heavy traffic movement.

There are no social and economic benefits to re-opening Manston as an Air Cargo Hub. There is evidence to suggest that it would not be a viable enterprise in the short or long term, risking becoming a blight and drain on local resources and impacting disastrously on the long-term efforts of towns such as Ramsgate in continuing to develop successful tourism, creative and heritage industries centred on its natural coast, bio-diversity, geography and substantial and unique maritime & architectural heritage. There are approximately 2,500 listed buildings in Thanet, the largest concentration of listed structures in the south east of England. Ramsgate has been awarded Heritage Action Zone status, the aim is of which is to grow Ramsgate into a prosperous maritime town where outstanding heritage and architecture and new investment strengthens the economy for the benefit of the local community.

Thanet has nationally and internationally recognised outstanding marine and coastal geography:

Two Special Areas of Conservation A Special Protection Area A Wetland of International importance and ‘SSSI' sites Kent's largest National Nature Reserve at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay A Marine Conservation Zone

Proposals for continual growth for cargo are bullish without real evidence provided that due care, proper engagement or responsibility for all who live here was made during the development of the business plan. The wider implications and impact on the local population and economy are simply not adequately argued or presented. This is a 'parachute' scheme, a behemoth purporting to bring local economic advantage, which cannot be demonstrated, whilst actually subverting and altering the areas real and demonstrable qualities. The exponential 'creep' allowing nighttime flights is a real threat. The reality of a 24/7-cargo hub would blight Thanet irreversibly.

Debate around the expansion of airfreight is centred on London and large regional airports, such as East Midlands. The development and implementation of HS2 will see the Midlands and the North becoming more viable for successful transportation of airfreight and distribution.

My preferred option for the site is for housing, education, healthcare, small businesses - including the heritage airport and aviation museums, tapping into a real need for localised and varied economic development to sustain and grow the 'local’ economy from within, thus preserving and utilising the varied facets of local life and geography without the behemoth monoculture associated with this proposal.