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Representation by Rev Stanley.m.Evans

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I was boy of 10 yrs in 1940 at the time of Dunkirk, Hitler was unexpected to in evade us, my parents could not leave and sent me to my Aunt and Uncle in Cornwall I was very afraid that I would not see my parents again,the fear of invasion. It was the Battle of Britain in which our pilots at MANSTON airport played their parts that made Hitler postpone his plans, I believe strongly that the Battle of Britain saved our country from invasion and occupation by Hitler,I see Manston airport a national asset it dieter Hitler and could well dieter a modern day Hitler from invading us, only those of fear of invasion to the day relief when victory in 1945 we are fewer in numbers are now on our 80's, it was said that Elomain was the turning point in the war, I believe that the Battle of Britain was the real turning point. The Battle of Britain gave us hope that we might adventure win, if we did not surrender, After Elomain we knew we were going to win. Churchill said that"Never in the field human conflict was so much owed by so many who was so few" I believe we owe the few to keep Manston for aviation ...

Please can you contact my by mail and not e-mails.

yours sincerity Rev S. M. Evans