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Representation by Seymour Milton

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Re: Registering as an Interested Party in respect of the Manston Airport DCO

I am convinced that the air pollution caused from the proposed freight hub would seriously endanger the health and wellbeing of the habitants (and wildlife and environment) of my local town of Ramsgate and surrounding towns and villages such as Margate, Minster and of course Manston.

I am also convinced that the noise pollution resulting from the proposed freight hub will also have a negative affect on the quality of life of local residents of Ramsgate and surrounding towns of Margate, Minster and Manston and will have a significant and negative impact on the popularity of Ramsgate and surrounding area as a place to live and work.

Having spent 22 years living in London, and having recently moved to Ramsgate in February 2018 in order to improve the overall quality of my life, to reduce my overheads and to escape the noise and pollution and exorbitant cost of living in London, the re-opening of nearby Manston Airport along with the associated air flights (and possible night flights) would encourage me to look elsewhere in the UK for a place to live and work.

Currently my girlfriend and I are looking to buy our first house and to start a family in the next few years and Ramsgate is our current favourite area due to the beautiful architecture and unique seaside charm of Ramsgate, it's peace and quiet plus of course it's easy and fast commute to London.

I have been a vocal advocate of Ramsgate as a place to live and work since moving here in February and have been managing to generate a lot of interest in my fellow friends and family based in London to relocate down here, some of whom have already started viewing properties in Ramsgate.

If Manston Airport DCO re-opens, it is highly likely I will decide to take my work, my partner and future family elsewhere and try to persuade other friends and family to do the same.