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Representation by Mr Ben Jones

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thank you for your time in listening to my response to the Manston DOC application.

I strongly oppose this application. I have grave concerns of the impact on the residents of Thanet that a cargo hub will have. We have a higher than national average of people with mental health and disabilities residing in the area and the increased noise and air pollution will have a further negative effect on this. There are sevaral studies that correlate high levels of air traffic with increased poor health on adults and children and this proposal will further impact on them. Thanet struggles to recruit skilled staff with a higher than national deficit in doctors, nurses and social care workers and moving to an area with a busy airport and regular flights overhead will only make working in the area less attractive and further negatively effect the health of residents in the area. I'm extremely concerned on the effect the airport will have on local small business's in the area particularly in hospitality, catering and the service industry that rely on tourism, and local residents spending power. Professionals in the area attracted to the local environment are likely to move to other areas less effected by noise and air pollution further effecting the already struggling local economy. From the application plans I've read local job numbers created by the airport will be low and many unskilled and when balanced with the impact on the local business will create less employment and growth in Thanet. Additionally I am extremely concerned the impact large numbers of freight vehicles will have on the local road system and the increase in air pollution this will inevitably entail. Thank you for your time and please do not inflict this on our local community.