Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by John Chater

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly against re-opening the airport at Manston for the following reasons: 1. Ramsgate is very close to the airport and the town will be seriously blighted by the airports activities. 2. Planes have to fly very low over the town when landing which causes noise and serious pollution. When taking off the noise is deafening – full cargo and full tanks mean the plane is at maximum thrust. 3. During thick fog planes come in even lower and damage has been caused in the past by low flying over houses close to the runway. 4. Ramsgate is an historic town of Special Architectural and Historic Interest. Many of the houses are listed. Windows cannot be changed to double or triple glazing. Besides in summer windows have to be left open. 5. Recent medical research has shown that regular noise disturbance at night is very damaging to health. 6. Pollution levels caused by the combustion of aircraft fuel is very damaging to health. 7. Increase in lorry traffic caused by the primary use of the airport as cargo hub will increase diesel pollution in the area which is damaging to health.
8. Re-opening of the airport will have a damaging effect on the value of property especially those houses under the flightpath which runs through the centre of the town. 9. The blight caused to the town will result in a serious decline the service and tourist economy and this will have a negative impact on employment in the area. 10. It is only in recent years that the Ramsgate’s economy has picked up due to it becoming a more attractive place to live. The ‘Down from London’ effect has resulted in investment in property and this has resulted in the general upgrading of the towns historic character. Greater awareness of the outstanding historic interest of the town has resulted in the kick starting of the tourist economy. All this will be prejudiced if the airport were to be re-opened. 11. The alternative Stone Hill Park mixed use scheme provides an excellent opportunity to provide a full range of housing needs, quality leisure development, amenity, employment and development of the historic interest of the wartime airport, as well as tree planting and public amenity spaces.
12. The loss of ‘Brown Land’ at Manston for housing will result in many acres of quality agricultural land in Thanet being lost to development. 13. Ramsgate Airport at Manston was originally a small local airport. The Second World War saw it upgraded by the Americans to take B.52 bombers by provision of a massive concrete runway. Since then, and taking advantage of this expansion, a series of commercial operations have failed. To bring it back as a busy commercial cargo airport would be an act of gross irresponsibility to the health and safety of the people of Ramsgate and the surrounding area. It will also be environmentally damaging and detrimental to the economy of the town.