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Representation by Julian Bigg

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My representation of will be very similar to many who live in the Ramsgate area. We are not prepared to have our live destroyed by NIGHT FLIGHTS over our town with planes that are unfit for Heathrow of Gatwick or anywhere.

The airport was never a success before, and the only reason it could possible work this time is because the potential new business is offering commercial flight flights that no one else would ever take and in hugely destructive volume.

This would be disastrous for Ramsgate generating a handful of jobs for a potential few, while ruining the sleeping patterns and the knock-on effects that would have for thousands in the area. I can guarantee that anyone behind this business does not live in its flight path, this is fuelled purely by business greed with zero care or empathy for the people this will effect. The decent people of RAMSGATE.

NO to NIGHT FLIGHTS and NO to River Oak.

Julian Bigg

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