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Representation by Elizabeth Warner

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my objection to the current DCO by Riveroak SP to open a 24/7 Cargo Hub on the former Manston Airport Site. Which closed in 2014, without any negative effect to the area, in fact, completely the opposite has happened and Thanet’s tourist industry appears to be thriving since it’s closure.

My objections are as follows:

Environmental – unacceptable levels of noise, pollution and vibration will have a catastrophic effect upon health, education and quality of life, including flourishing wildlife.

Socio-economic (local) – our growing tourist industry will be blighted by this, as well as new businesses. I am currently at University and my plan to be Self employed, working from home will be impossible with planes flying overhead. (Web and phone based).

Socio-economic (national) – this proposal flies in the face of accredited expert opinion stating that freight requirements are falling, not rising and that Manston Airport, for this purpose, is completely unviable.

Credentials of applicants – Riveroak, a finance company with no aviation experience, while every project of this kind presided over by [Redacted] has invariably led to bankrupcy and eye-watering losses.

As a former student of Clarendon Grammar School, I well remember how disruptive overhead flights were to learning; nothing could happen until they had passed over. As a former resident of Crescent Road, CT11, (under the direct flight path), I’m also aware of just how low above our house these monsters flew; the noise and vibration was unbearable and, at night, terrifying. As a mother of a [Redacted] daughter, still in Ramsgate, this is of particular concern to me as I do not relish the thought of my child being woken, several times a night, terrified. This will have a serious, adverse impact on her schooling and development in an area where children are already disadvantaged. The (documented) increase in risk of Asthma, Heart attacks, Strokes and Dementia, are all particularly of interest to me regarding my child and parents.