Back to list Manston Airport

Representation by Lizzie Deegan

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I moved to Ramsgate with my husband in 2015 and am devastated to learn that proposals to re open Manston Airport as a cargo haulage hub, include numerous night flights. Having moved from west London, I am well aware of the detrimental effects to health and well-being that go hand in hand with living in close proximity to an airport ( and not nearly as close as I would be if Manston were to reopen)

It is a town, and vicinity, steeped in history. We live in one of the 4 Conservation areas and would be right under the flight path. Strict heritage rules state that we cannot replace our windows with modern double glazing. Presently, the house wobbles when even a bus goes past so I dread to think what a super sized cargo plane will sound like at 2am. I have notice that RPS’ proposal has a fund of £500000 to alleviate the noise disturbance in the worst affected areas; a figure that to many seems to be underestimated; as are many other estimations in the proposal, not least the noise levels under the flight path.

I am all for progress but this whole proposal seems to be miscalculated and misleading. Many of the residents who have spoken in favour of the development in recent surveys have been mislead by the proposal and do not understand, or do not want to understand, the long term devastating affects this cargo airport will have on the town.

I so hope that common sense will prevail, and I implore you to help Ramsgate, and the wider area of Thanet, achieve its potential as a tourist destination.