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Representation by Linda Mockett

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live directly under the flight path. I am [Redacted] and since the closure of the airport my breathing has become much better and I no longer need my [Redacted] as much as I did. Air craft fuel would often be smelt in the air. A cargo hub would put the health of the community at risk.

Night flights would disrupt sleep of the residents under the flight path. When planes flew over they were so low the house vibrated and a vortex of air could be felt.

A cargo hub at Manston would be detrimental to the area. Tourists are attracted to the up and coming Ramsgate, but a cargo hub would not enhance this.

I dread to think what would happen if a plane failed to take off or land correctly.

Linda Mockett