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Representation by Peter Collard

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a hardworking father of 2. I am agaisnt the DCO and RSP'S Proposal. My main concerns are health problems caused by Aviation pollution plus added pollution from fuel and freight movements from hgv's. Lack of or broken sleep from night flights which we know are in the proposals and know they need these flights. We are led to believe differently. I am a cpcs registered 360 excavator operator, its a health and safety issue if i or others that drive or operate heavy machinery for a living get unbroken sleep. Lives depend on it. Kids sleep and education are also a concern for me. Lessons will be considerably interupted for schools on the flight path and affected for over kids who live on the flight path with broken sleep. Now lets talk about Ramsgate. Ive lived here 35 years now and i for one can see the steady rise in our tourism which would be blighted heavily if the cargo hsppened. Even if it failed the damage would be done. There is no approach to a runway like this in the country. Nethercourt estate is around 1.5 km's from the end of the runway and aircraft are at around 400ft at this point, that will be a living hell!! It will be bad where i am based but for those unbearable! RSP arnt joking when they themselves admit this and our MP'S response is if you dont like it move. I know that they will sacrifice RAMSGATE and the peoples quality of life who live here. A LOT of people have moved here next to a closed runway. Invested in new lives here. It would break my heart to see what rRamsgate has become and becoming destroyed for a cargo hub that offers no benefits to Ramsgate at all. Jobs or tourism.