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Representation by Jillian Farrell

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a Ramsgate resident and would be under the proposed flight path.

RSP’s document says there would be a significant negative impact on quality of life in Ramsgate if its plan goes ahead. Manston was never meant to be a cargo airport and the surrounding roads are not suitable. Ramsgate is reviving after decades of decline. There is a virtuous circle of people visiting, encouraging cafes, hotels and restaurants to open, making the town more attractive. This entrepreneurial revival would be crushed by frequent noisy, polluting cargo flights. Civil aircraft have become cleaner and quieter in recent years but this is not the case for the kind of planes that would fly to and from Manston under RSP’s plan. Experts not paid by RSP have said there is no case for a cargo hub at Manston. The local council does not support the plan. Local (and I mean Ramsgate) residents do not want a cargo airport. The application should be rejected.