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Representation by Mr Paul Gall-Johnson

Date submitted
8 October 2018
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing as someone who Lives/works in Ramsgate and intends to start a family here. I’m strongly opposed to the DCO.

All extracts are taken from Extracts from Thanet’s local plan 2013-pre-submission publication, regulation 19

  1. Tourism

We do not want a cargo hub airport, many attempts have been made to run a successful airport on that site, all have failed, the current owners SHP have plans for much needed houses, industry and open green spaces this would be a more effective use of the site benefitting the area.


“The tourism sector has grown substantially over the last few years, compared to other parts of the South East and England, and there has also been significant growth in the creative sector.” One of the many points they raise is to “guide investment in the coastal towns to support the tourism economy and provide for the needs of local communities.”

2.34 The vision for Ramsgate is to maximise its maritime heritage, Royal Harbour, marina, beach and attractive waterfront, and provide economic base of its vibrant mix of town centre uses, visitor economy and café culture.

  1. Environment Sandwich and Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve is a Ramsar wetland site of international importance and is also an SSSI, has SAC and SPA status. It supports a wide range of wading birds, many of which are specially protected by law, such as the little tern. Many birds overwinter in large numbers, feeding on the mudflats, saltmarsh and chalk cliffs including curlews, oystercatchers, redshanks, snipe and other significant birdlife that brings joy to the thousands of visitors to the area. The proposed Manston Cargo Hub Airport will have a devastating effect on this vital area with constant noisy aircraft taking off and landing so close by. Extracts

“an environmental role – contributing to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment; and, as part of this, helping to improve biodiversity, use natural resources prudently, minimise waste and pollution, and mitigate and adapt to climate change including moving to a low carbon economy.” “These areas are protected by legislation to prevent harm to them from development change and other human activity.” “The Council recognises the importance of protecting that relationship in the longer term.” 3) Night flights

Although it’s been denied night flights will be needed, RSP in their application suggest otherwise and also seem to wish to have noisier flights than those allowed at Heathrow and Gatwick. This means our children be subjected to continual aircraft noise throughout the day but also at night they will have disturbed sleep and this will effect their performance at school and their general health, anyone living under the flight path will be affected, Studies show that even if you don’t wake your health can be affected. The Greiser study published in 2010 showed a significant risk of coronary artery diseases, strokes and cancer due to aircraft noise.

How can Thanet’s very own objectives and strategies be a priority if RSP’s plans are to go ahead?